One Plastic Bag at a Time

I'm on a mission ...

Has this ever happened to you - you learn about a new thing or see an up and coming actor in a popular film and then all of a sudden it seems to be everywhere? (This is particularly true if you watch a lot of Law & Order, which I freely confess I do) And then you wonder how you never noticed it before ...

Like global warming. For me, it started with the Green Issue of Vanity Fair. Inside was a small pull out entitled "What You Can Do - Fifty Ways to Help Save the Planet". I briefly looked at it and then put it aside - as a stay at home mother of a small child, I didn't think there was much I could do about saving the planet. Most days I'm more concerned about saving my sanity.

But all of a sudden global warming seems to be everywhere - on the news regarding hurricane season. On Oprah. Even in the Daily Candy update I get every day.

When Al Gore turned up on The Daily Show I just couldn't ignore it anymore.

So I went back to that pull out and read through it more carefully. Some of the fifty things don't really apply to me (a green funeral? no thanks), but there were definitely a few things in there that would require a small change on my part. Any maybe even save us a little money. Double bonus!

So now I'm on a mission every day now I'm going to try to do just one thing to be a more responsible global citizen.

Basically, I'm saving the world one plastic bag at a time.

Stay tuned.