Shade Grown Coffee rocks!
Today I tried organic shade grown coffee for the first time and although at first I wasn't so impressed I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate because since I got home I have played with my son, put him down for his nap, blogged, cleaned the litter box (one less bag in the house!), took out the trash and the recyclables, vacuumed the rugs, started my lunch, realized I was out of Better n Egg (which comes in a recyclable cardboard container! bonus!), ran out to the supermarket, got what I needed AND returned some empty soda bottles (using another bag! double bonus!), AND declined a bag (one more bag saved!), came home, brought the mail in and shredded all the junk (more recyclable paper!), made an omelet while washing the pots from last night's dinner and this morning's breakfast, ate my lunch and did the dishes from lunch.
All in the last 10 minutes.
I think there's another benefit to the shade grown coffee - maybe a hint of extra caffeine? Perhaps ... I'll look it up later after I move the couch to sweep and finish cleaning out my refrigerator.
All in the last 10 minutes.
I think there's another benefit to the shade grown coffee - maybe a hint of extra caffeine? Perhaps ... I'll look it up later after I move the couch to sweep and finish cleaning out my refrigerator.
Posted at 1:12 PM on
Saturday, July 22, 2006
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Shade Grown Coffee rocks! |