One Plastic Bag at a Time

My Carbon Footprint

I feel so ecologically sound already ... completed #46 on the list, Discover Your Carbon Footprint.

Actually, it was oddly unsatisfying ... Vanity Fair said the test would take into account all sorts of factors like the food I eat and other habits ... but mostly the site asked for energy usage, and there's no way I can really convert the cryptic bill sent to me every two months from KeySpan into kilowatt hours or pounds sterling. I can barely convert Fahrenheit to Celsius without giving myself a headache.

I'm not even sure I can spell Fahrenheit.

BTW - my carbon footprint is 4,968. This is less than the average UK citizen (5,013), so I guess I should be somewhat impressed - have you ever seen those tiny cars they drive? Some of them I believe are so small they are in fact powered by teams of harnessed hamsters.

But that could just be a rumor.