One Plastic Bag at a Time

Fairway, the fairest of them all

Oh, Fairway, how I love you so!

For those of you outside New York, let me tell you about Fairway, the fairest market of them all. Take the variety of Whole Foods and the prices from your mega-supermarket and you've got Fairway. And they've got parking, an amenity that is virtually unheard of in this neck of the woods.

Forgive my digression - I'm still a little high from the sight of entire aisles of produce so fresh that getting a pound of sugar peas is not a twenty minute ordeal.

Here was my first opportunity to really make a difference in my quest to save the planet one plastic bag at a time.

I even brought my own plastic bag with me for veggies.

Unfortunately, I still have not developed the proper air of self-righteousness and snuck my plastic bag out as if I were some sort of criminal. Maybe I'm not wearing the right kind of shoes for this, but Tevas are as close as I was going to get. Maybe I need to hug a tree, I don't know.

At the end of the day, I wound up taking home seven plastic bags (not including the one I brought with me). Not bad considering I stopped the cashier from (1) putting the 12pak of beer in a plastic bag (why this would be necessary is beyond me - it's a cardboard container with a HANDLE for the love of God); (2) putting my tomatoes on the vine in a bag (again, they come with their own handle ... you know, the VINE); (3) bagged my own groceries so I didn't wind up with twice as many bags each half full.

I declare it a victory to spend almost $200 and come home with only seven bags.

Number of plastic bags saved: 3. (and that I think is a conservative number!)