One Plastic Bag at a Time

How does your garden grow?

Slowly. Very slowly.

This morning, I embarked on another way to save the planet - #25, Grow Your Own Garden. Seeing as I don't have a garden, I'm limited to herbs, which is fine because (a) it still counts as growing a garden and (b) satisfies the cheapie in me, as I will no longer have to pay $1.99 for the cup of basil I need to make killer bruschetta.

The only problem with the garden is that like most people in this day and age I require instant gratification, so when my basil, parsley and garlic chives fail to appear soon, by this afternoon let's say, I will get very frustrated. In a week when there's still nothing I'll stop watering them and in three weeks I'll be shocked when I actually have some plants.

I almost had to violate rule #18 again, as my son took it upon himself to be my helper. He is showing some early metrosexual tendencies as he promptly began to apply a mud mask to his face. Luckily, I caught him before it got out of hand and required another bath.

And if anyone knows where I can get Thai Basil seeds, or has any suggestions for some other interesting herbs I can grow, send me an email. Thanks!