One Plastic Bag at a Time

The Green Revolution Begins in ... Texas?

#10 - Build green.

Not that I'm planning on building - like most people in the Greater NY area, I am most likely going to be a renter for a long, long time.

But it's good to see that other people not only may have this option but it may become more the exception than the rule. Not only is building green the right thing to do, but it is also becoming the economical thing to do.

With BP's recent pipeline problems and oil prices reaching record highs on a daily basis, zero energy homes are becoming more and more desirable.

A piece on the Wall Street Journal Report yesterday featured a homeowner in Palo Alto whose electric bill in the summer is anywhere between $0 and $20.

Can you imagine that?

New homeowners in Austin, Texas won't have to stretch their imaginations far at all, as their city reviews new building codes that would require ALL new construction to be Zero Energy Capable by 2015. Zero energy homes are being built in Dallas as well.

Texas is leading the way in clean energy? Maybe there's some hope after all.