One Plastic Bag at a Time

Ashes to ashes

It's been a while since I've posted, mostly because I've incorporated most of the easy and viable changes into my daily routine to make my lifestyle more green. Most of the impact, however small, I'll never see, but I am happy to report that even with our week of 100+ degree weather my electric bill went DOWN $20 from July.

Which brings me around to today's way to save the planet - #50 in the Vanity Fair Pull Out (VFPO) - A Green Ending.

[disclaimer - this post is not a happy one, so if today's weather has already gotten you down, you might want to visit Talk Entertainment or some other fun website instead - like a Project Runway recap on TV without Pity]

Apparently it's not enough to worry about how your every day life is f**king up the planet, now I have to stress about how I'm going to screw the environment for my kid and future generations even when I'm not here.

I had never even heard of a green funeral until that episode of Six Feet Under where Nate takes matters into his own hands and gives Lisa the burial she would have wanted.

But apparently green funerals are not just for crazy hippie-dippie-crazy-vegan-chef Seattle tree hugging types, as evidenced by a recent product I read about in the Times business section recently.

The product in question - an ovoid coffin designed by a German management consultant called the Cocoon. You've got to see this thing to believe it.

In the interview with Mr. Spiegel, he spoke of his desire to create a coffin that would decompose relatively quickly but would have an organic ovoid shape meant to create
"an implicit analogy between the caterpillar-to-butterfly metamorphosis and the life-to-death transition - a node to the old chestnut that death is just another journey."

Oh, those Germans and their wacky sense of humor!

I'm all for anything that is a little more environmentally aware, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. And for me, that line is right at the point where it looks like my final journey is not to the Great Beyond but to the planet Ork.

Nanu nanu!