One Plastic Bag at a Time

Can You Hear Me Now?

The thing that gives me the most hope about my mission to save the planet is how very simple and easy some of the ways are.

For instance, #31 - Turn Off Your Chargers. It seems that most cell-phone chargers draw electricity even when the phone is not plugged in. How much of a difference could that really make? According to the Vanity Fair pullout, more than 40 kilowatt-hours every year, or approximately 93 pounds of carbon dioxide.

Sounds like a lot, right? For such a simple thing?

So I've done it, the chargers are all unplugged. I think we can all see where this is going ... at some point, one of the following things is bound to happen:

1. I'm going to lose the charger, because it's not plugged in; or, more likely,
2. I'm going to plug my phone in, forgetting that the charger is not plugged in, and then my phone is going to die at the most inopportune time.

Like girls' night out, when I have to call home and explain that it is VERY IMPORTANT that I stay out for one more drink, because I am having the most DEEP an ENLIGHTENING conversation with my girlfriend (and I'm sure at this point I will be yelling, and probably slurring a bit as well, especially as we have not had a hen night in about six months now so everyone's tolerance is way low) ...

Can you hear me now? At that point, it probably will be better for all of us if no one can. So I'll be saving the planet and doing everyone a favor at the same time.